Supervision. £300 a visit plus exceptional expenses.Our supervision includes delivery of your powerful plasticiser and our putting it in your trucks as they arrive.Many specifiers choose Pudlo, Caltite or Xypex because they seem to have the best-quality site supervision amongst the various BBA certified admixtures. But Caltite take care to get a signature from site disclaiming any supervision took place, and we suspect that the others do as well. What we offer is a genuine attempt to massively influence the workforce to deliver concrete properly, to compact the concrete properly and to cure the concrete properly, as well as form joints so that they are watertight.
We have a petrol driven generator if required. £80 a day hire for any two units. Cleaning charges will apply if all wet concrete is not washed off. We do not supply air compressors. Other suppliers, for instance Pudlo and Caltite include a drawing check service to make sure that there is sufficient steel specified. But I have seen some of their drawings and pour sequences and, frankly, they don't understand. For many years I have shared my experiences with structural engineers on a web page. Please refer your engineer to the crack-restriction section on our page Info For Specifiers. There should not be any need for you to pay to have your engineer's work checked. Testing. £780, including the lab's VAT.If we attend site to supervise and dose your concrete with powerful plasticiser, we can also bring 5 cube moulds and make 5 test cubes.When we get back we will strike the cubes the following day and keep them submerged in a water bath. We will arrange collection by ESG at Uxbridge and for them to test 2 cubes for compressive strength at 28 days old and have 3 cubes tested for permeability of water under pressure as soon after 28 days old the lab can carry out the test. ESG email the certificates as .PDFs and we will forward them to you (as long as there is no money outstanding).
Once you have your own test certificates proving that your P350, CEM1, oversanded concrete with our powerful plasticiser is impermeable to water even under pressure, you might not need to do the test ever again. Be sure to tell us what names you want on your certificates (Client name and the Site name can include a business name). |